Failing Forward: Month Three
Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher

Failing Forward: Month Three

This month, more so than the previous two, feels the most “failure-like.” But not in the sense that I failed at a crap ton of new things, but more so failing at doing any new things at all. In the “we’re back in the thick of it, more so grinding” work mentality, I feel like I didn’t actively take any steps to try something outside my comfort zone. I’m trying to give myself grace and space – but my inner critic today is holding some judgment.

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Month Two of Failing Forward
Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher

Month Two of Failing Forward

Somehow, it’s the end of February - which has both felt like the longest and fastest month. Unlike January, where I could hold a more balanced life/work boundary, February went full force into the work side of that sea saw. But also, unlike January, I’m taking the failure-risk level up a notch (or two). My brother-in-law and his now new wife got married at the end of the month and, as a part of me wanting to show up for them in the only way I really know how, YFK did all of their signage.

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A Year of Failing Forward
Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher Failing Forward Kelly Gallagher

A Year of Failing Forward

It’s been a hot second since I’ve sat down and actually written something that’s more than a project or process explanation for this site. And while I’ve loved sharing the projects I’ve been working on and some insight into why we made the design choices we did, I’m also feeling like there are opportunities to help you all know me a bit better. I believe that creativity is one of the most human things we have, and I want to share more of my “human side” with you all.

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